Tag Archives: Williamson County

Why Me?

Above and Beyond                                                “Above and Beyond”                       24×30

“Who do you think you are to tackle this subject?”  “Everyone is going to know that you’re a fraud.”   “Who made you the expert?”  These are the questions of self-doubt I hear as I prepare to speak to my local arts council on the subject of social media/networking for artists.

As I have been working on my presentation I have found myself questioning my ability to tackle such a subject.   What do I have to say that someone can’t find out for themselves through conversation, exploration, time spent on the computer?  Wrestling with my level of expertise has opened my eyes to an area of qualification that does not involve knowledge or experience.   It is the willingness to share that qualifies me.  I’m afraid that all too often we artists become hoarders.  We hoard our materials, our sources, our galleries, our techniques, even our successes in fear that any or all might be stolen and another artist could become more successful or popular.

I may not be a social networking guru, but I have gathered a few crumbs and tidbits along the way.  A crumb of knowledge.  A tidbit of experience.  My crumb could be what unlocks a new opportunity for someone.  My experience could save another hours of time pursuing something to no avail.

I will gladly share what I’ve learned on my art biz journey.   There is, after all, that story where crumbs and tidbits were multiplied to feed thousands.  Call it what you will: paying it forward,  the law of reaping and sowing, volunteerism, karma, etc.. It’s why you will find me at the county library this Friday morning,  sharing what I know and hoping to pick up a few new crumbs and tidbits to add to my basket as the conversation continues beyond my knowledge or experience.

Long Days and Hard Work


I know, I know, nobody said it would be easy.  It’s just amazing to me sometimes just how much hard work and long hours go into this business we call art.  I am in the midst of preparing for a pretty significant show (Penrod Arts Fair in Indianapolis) followed by a presentation of my three decades of being an art professional(Art:  Up Close and Personal sponsored by the Arts Council of Williamson County).  Oh and by the way, delivery of a major commission piece (finished:  see photo).  Most days I thrive on being busy.  After all, I hate being bored.  Lately however it seems I am trying to tell myself not to stress more often than not.

At our last art show, my husband encountered a gentleman (I use the term loosely) who suggested that all of the artists did this kind of thing as a hobby.  Can I just say that nobody but nobody puts themselves through what we professional artists do for the fun of it?  Do I love the gypsy train?  Indeed.  Do I appreciate that I make a living doing something that I’m passionate about?  Absolutely!  Is it grueling at times and mindless at other?  Too true!

Don’t get me wrong.  I wouldn’t trade my profession for another….ever!  As I posted last week (or was that two weeks ago???) I know that I know I was created to express myself artistically.  That said, I think there is a misconception that all we professional artists do is play all day.  Painting is fun;  it is the play part of the job.  Varnishing, wiring, framing…not so much.  Powerpoint presentations, email newsletters, social media marketing….work.

When your passion becomes your profession there will be long days and hard work if you want to succeed.  It goes with the territory.  Business plans, profit and loss statements, marketing strategies are all a part of the business of art.  Dare I say they are the work that balances the play.  But oh the pay off when a customer falls in love and has to have a painting I’ve created.  Then suddenly all of the hours melt away.  All of the hard work seems easy.  In other words it’s all worth the effort.  So to the studio I go to teach and paint and label and load up and…and…and…  Guess I’ll sleep well tonight!

Addiction and Recovery

Quotes from the week in the studio:  “Your use of color is fearless.  I love it!”  “You must be some kind of genius.”  “We wish we could do that!”  These are particular interesting to me this week as I’ve been tracing my career for an upcoming presentation for the Arts Council of Williamson County called ART:  Up Close and Personal. What has run through my mind is the eight year old Deborah telling people “I’m good (as in a good student) at everything but PE and Art.”  So, okay I haven’t become an athlete although I DO know what I’m talking about when it comes to football.  So how did I get from there to here?

The first step of any recovery is recognizing the addiction.  “My name is Deborah Gall and I am a recovering artist.  I am addicted to expressing myself creatively.”   It all began when I was a little girl and longed to let out that which stirred within me.  It would be decades before I recognized this as the need to create.  I searched for my creative voice through crafts and music and ultimately landed in the midst of a pile of fabric and thread.  Quilting became what fed my addiction.   However, in the midst of commissions, teaching, writing, and speaking I could not use the term”artist” to describe myself.  My tongue would get tied in knots and the word simply stuck in my throat.  When a gallery owner used the “A” word and commissioned a piece for her home I began to speak the word, but it felt like sawdust in my mouth and I was certain I was being branded as delusional.

Then, in 1995, someone introduced me to two books:  Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”  and Madeleine L’Engle’s “Walking on Water”.  Voila!  My life changed as I began the 12 step recovery that Cameron outlines for recovering creatives.  She uses the term blocked, but for me it was more than being blocked, it was at the very core of my identity.  Within the pages of those volumes I found my tribe!  I was not alone in the (somewhat strange) way I looked at life or interpreted my surroundings.   Most inprotantly I found value to the very thing I was addicted to…creative expression.  L’Engle’s subtitle “Reflections of faith and art” summarized what I had desperately been trying to put together unsuccessfully in my heart and life.  I was transformed!

As I recovered my sense of safety, identity, power, integrity, possibility, abundance, connection, strength, compassion, self-protection, autonomy, and faith (all chapters/steps in Cameron’s book) I gained the freedom to say without apology or explanation that I was, am, and will always be an artist.   It is not something I do.  It is something I am.  This is recovery that feeds the addiction.  Backwards perhaps, but effective none the less.  With that…think I’ll go paint.

Photo above is part of a triptych I am currently working on.  It will hang in the same office as this pair called “Sara’s Sky”.  Sara purchased the left panel a year ago and commissioned the right panel to continue the design and form a square.  The art plan for her office is coming along nicely don’t ya think?

If you’re in the area I’ll be speaking at Williamson County Public Library on Monday, September 12 6-7:30 p.m.

Click the links above to start your own recovery.  Enjoy the ride!

Hours, Weeks, Decades

On any given Sunday afternoon you will find me in front of the television perusing HGTV, the Cooking Channel, or the Food Network.  Ever watch “Chopped?”  One of my favorites:  four professional chefs, each successful in their own right, compete with unusual (surprise) ingredients, limited time (30 minutes each course), over three courses.  With each course, one of the chefs is “chopped”, and sent home by the panel of expert judges.  I have often watched this show sitting in wonder as these gods of the kitchen create masterpieces out of funky ingredients (leg of goat and trail mix…really?).  How do they create on the spot?  How do they know which ingredients to grab?  How do you know how to make a chocolate cake without a recipe???

This past Sunday however, I decided I sort of know how they do it.  Years and years of training and experience are behind every minute they spend in the kitchen.  “How long does it take you to paint a painting?”  is perhaps the most commonly asked question I hear.  I think most artists would agree it is also one of the most frustrating questions to answer.  The truth is that the best answer will sound sarcastic:  whatever the age of the artist.

I have been painting for 6 years.  I have been a professional artist for 27 years.  I have been artistically expressing myself my whole life.  All of life’s experiences import to my memory base (whether I remember it or not) and will mix with my technical skills, my media, and my current style to export on the canvas. In the case of last week’s adventure at the county fair, it is easy to say “She painted this in one hour!”  However as you my readers are aware, I spent three days preparing for that one hour.  (Believe me my catch up list has been long!) To finish it back at the studio (to my standards of completion) took another 2 hours. However, in reality, it took over 5 decades to complete as all combined for one hour on stage.

The finished painting?  “Take me out to the Fair”  30×24, acrylic on canvas.  It will be auctioned through The Arts Council of Williamson County with 100% of proceeds benefiting the organization.  It is after all the organization that offered me the “experience of a lifetime”.

Comfort Zone

Yesterday I received a phone call from  Meryll Rose, host of the local midday television show “Talk of the Town”.  She asked me to paint live on stage at the Williamson County Fair during the “Talk of the Town Live” portion of the day.  No problem.  Really.  I have appeared on “Talk of the Town” a couple of times and find Ms. Rose to be an excellent host who makes her guests feel comfortable and at ease.  My studio is open to the public so I am accustomed to having people watch as I create.

What is pushing me out of my comfort zone is this:  the assignment is to paint some kind of image of the fair, on a good sized canvas (that can be viewed easily from the audience’s perspective), in an hour and a half.  Start to finish.

Of course I said “Sure!”  Why would I do such a think when it is in fact out of my comfort zone?  I have found that those things that push me beyond my self imposed limitations exhilarate me.  Through the years I have taken on commissions and personal assignments that push the envelop of my creative experience.  What lies beyond the envelop has always been something of value to add to my repertoire which inevitably was brought out again to be used for future projects.  It is why I love doing commission work for clients.  To take my style and force certain parameters is in fact the opposite of limiting to me;  it squeezes out creativity in a new way that I find exacting and fun.

Do you have a special place that requires a made for you painting?  Call me.  I’d love to work with you.  Meanwhile I’ll be at the fair.