Monthly Archives: July 2012

Changing Scenery


Several months ago I realized my heart’s desire was to paint large.  A short while later I  came to the realization that the small paintings displayed in my studio gallery (shown above) were cluttering my mind and heart as well as the walls.  I grabbed a box and packed up a number of paintings.  Others ended up in baskets.  The freedom was intoxicating as the environment that surrounds me celebrated my heart’s desire.

Today I take another step in the same journey.  I have de-cluttered the studio of “nice” furniture and displays.  The goal is to simplify the space enabling it to serve my artistic exploration to an even greater extent.  Less of a gallery; more of a working studio.

If you want to go where you’ve never gone, you must take the first step in a new direction.  If you want to do what you’ve never done, you must try your hand at something new.  Easier said than done.  Today however, my spirit says “No fear!”.  My heart whispers “Embrace change.”  Today I have made a slight adjustment that feels like a major change to my artist’s heart.  A slight change in navigation can lead to a whole new destination.  I’m counting on it.

All that Glitters…

In the ever constant quest for the “remarkable” (see Seth Godin’s book “Purple Cow”)  the need for wisdom and discernment increases.  Presented with new ideas, new products, and new applications the axiom “All that glitters is not gold”  has become an” ever present companion.  Instructors present artistic uses for household products (steel wool, joint tape and compound, sandpaper).  Product specialists present the latest and greatest in the line of art supplies (transfer paper, spun polyester paper, paints ready for sun printing).  It’s exciting and inspiring.

And confusing.  It is necessary to explore, but always with the question, “Does this fit in my wheelhouse?  My sweet spot?  My artistic voice?”   The purpose of exploration is to refine the search and be selective.

It’s not easy being selective.   It’s time consuming and sometimes frustrating.  It’s not popular to be selective.  The crowd will often run after the next shiny thing that comes along.  If I am to find my unique voice.  If I am to march to the beat of my own drum.  It is necessary however.  I must check and recheck that the glitter IS or IS NOT gold.