Monthly Archives: October 2013

Time for a Change

The alarm goes off, 4:00 AM.  Wake up, shower, and hit the road north for an hour and a half.  All for the privilege of setting up the tent in the dark, hanging art, and waiting for the customer(s) with the big bucks to fall in love with my art, open their wallet and buy.

Didn’t happen.  Failure on a large scale, January’s art show circuit in Florida.  Crazy way to make a living I often thought.  Really stupid way to loose money.  Then a voice of reason from my dear hubby, “We don’t have to know what we are going to do in order to know that this is no longer working.”  Absolutely right.

So home to Tennessee with no looking back.  (Even recently sold my tent and all of the trappings.)  Freedom!  But freedom to do what???  It has been a journey of discovery this year as I have spent countless hours on the computer, conference calls, and webinars to research and learn about alternatives to the traditional way of approaching an art business.

Words like demographic, niche market, valued customer, income streams, and points of distribution have swirled around my head as I delved into non-traditional art business plans.  Through an odd set of events, orchestrated by the One who gave me this talent,  I am finally gaining clarity of my new direction and path.

Abide Studio

Abide Studio

It is time to make a change.  For 9 years now, I have operated my art business as a marketplace ministry with the emphasis and focus on the marketplace and business aspect of things.  This has been divinely guided and I have no regrets.  The adventure has been amazing!  However, it is time to switch the emphasis in my heart and put more emphasis on the ministry aspect of what I do.

How does this look to my customers?  Not much different.  For me however the difference is significant every time I approach the easel, or hang a piece of art; consider a venue or plan my schedule.   Without a 10’x10′ tent to fill, without show applications and juries to consider, without thinking about a cohesive body of work, I will simply create what is in my heart and vision.  And you won’t find me in the studio on Thursdays as I dedicate that day for personal ministry related appointments.

The puzzle pieces are still coming together.  I cannot say I see the whole picture, but I am beginning to see shapes and colors coming together.  I am excited and full of anticipation for this new chapter.  I hope you will join me for the adventure.  The best is yet to come!

How have you faced the dips in your career?  Is it time for a new perspective on your journey?  I’d love to hear from you. Please comment, share, tweet…